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User Responsibilities

In 2009 and then again in 2013 the fire alarm standards were updated from a Code of Practice to a mandatory standard.

As part of the new standards (IS 3218 2013), User Responsibilities relating to the fire alarm system have been introduced, this applies to all buildings housing a fire alarm system. (Occupied or Unoccupied). The person responsible for the fire alarm system, be it a tenant or landlord, is responsible for implementing the User Responsibilities.

We feel it very important that all customers/clients are aware of this and is provided with this information.

Therefore we have summarised the User Responsibilities as taken from the standards to an A4 format:

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Copies of IS 3218 2013 can be purchased at:

NSAI (National Safety Authority of Ireland)
1 Swift Square,
Dublin 9

01 807 3800

The following are a summary of your fire alarm User Responsibilities as taken from the current Irish Standards (IS 3218 2009)


Daily Inspection (Responsible Person)

  • Ensure the Green Power On indicator is lit
  • Inspect for any Fault Indicator lit on the panel or internal sounder sounding
  • Inform the designated responsible person of any faults and log the event in the Fire Alarm Log Book.
  • In buildings not in continuous or daily occupation, it may not be practical to carry out a daily check. In such circumstances the checks should be carried out on each occasion that the building is used.

Weekly Test (Responsible Person)

  • Ensure all indicator lamps are operational and check that the internal sounder operates
  • Operate a Manual Call Point or Detector to test the system.
  • Check sounders are operational in all areas of the building.
  • Reset the system
  • A different Manual Call Point or Detector should be used for each test.
  • Check that all Call Points & Detectors are not obstructed in any way.
  • Enter test & results of the test in the Fire Alarm Log Book.

Quarterly Test (Service Providers Responsibility)

The responsible person should ensure that every three months the following checks are carried out by a competent person / Service Company.

  • Check all previous log book entries and clarify that any remedial actions required have been taken.
  • Check the battery and its connections. (Batteries shall be replaced every 4 years to ensure correct operations)
  • Test 25% of the Fire Alarm System to ensure correct operation, rotating areas at each visit.
  • Remove Mains Supply and check that the batteries are capable of supplying the alarm sounders.
  • Particular attention should be made to areas where alterations to the system or structure have been carried out since last inspection.
  • Any defects shall be recorded in the log book and reported to the responsible person, and actions should be taken to correct it on the instructions of the responsible person.